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Tokyo Gourmet


Of course, Curry is from India.
But there are many curry restaurants in Tokyo.
Over a long time, Curry has evolved to Japanese style.
Curry is really popular all over in Japan. Even I would say it’s Japanese National food now.

The KARI about 5 minutes walk from our office.

The KARI Soshi's Tokyo Bike Tour

Cute looking exterior

The KARI is chosen the best 100 curry restaurant in Tokyo.
I ordered Beef Curry (930yen) and a minute later, it served. so fast!

The KARI Soshi's Tokyo Bike Tour

Beef Curry with mash potato topping (930yen)

It’s more like a soup curry. but taste very deep. I tasted lot’s of spices. for the first look, it’s very simple but actually it was various tastes.

The owner, Shoji Shimada experienced wholesale for spices and apprenticeship in the Indian restaurant. And opened this restaurant 20 years ago.
On one plate, you can experience his life too.